Canons Park Estate

An oasis of calm and beauty within suburbia

Plannning and Conservation

Canons Park Estate Conservation Area Policy Statement

Within the Canons Park Estate Conservation Area all applications for development or other works will be considered on their own merits and will be assessed using the following policies.

These should, however, be read together with the relevant policies in the Harrow Borough Local Plan (HBLP), the 'Interim Housing and Environmental Policies' and the Unitary Development Plan for Harrow.

The policies for the Conservation Area are as follows:


All applications for the demolition of properties in the Conservation Area will be judged against the policies contained in the HBLP (Policy 16D) and the alterations to policy 16 (Policies 16Di to 16Diii) as set out in the 'Interim Development Control Policies'.


The Council will seek to ensure that all development respects the character, and layout of the area. The infilling of existing rear and side gardens, and the spaces between properties with extensions and new buildings will be resisted. There is a presumption against the development of open spaces.


In considering proposals to extend buildings the Council will ensure that the character of the buildings and the Conservation Area and the amenities of neighbouring residents are not adversely affected by taking into account:

(a)Privacy, daylighting and sunlighting to the neighbouring properties;
(b)The bulk, scale and siting of extensions in relation to neighbouring properties; extensions will also be required to be subservient in scale to the original building;
(c)The architectural character and appearance of the properties, design and materials:
(d)The extent to which side extensions would significantly reduce the gap between buildings or diminish the architectural balance between buildings or detailing of the main building;
(e)The effect of dormer windows on the appearance of the building, and the suitability of their detailed design and materials. Roof extensions will be resisted.

Not withstanding Policy 54 of the Harrow Borough Local Plan, in recognition of the established character of the area comprising predominantly dwelling houses in single family occupations there will be a presumption against change of use to flats and institutional uses.


Development which adversely affects significant garden and street trees, hedges and verges will be resisted.


Where a building is locally listed or has architectural merit, the Council will encourage the retention of original design features, such as windows, doors, chimneys and porches; and where necessary the use of replica features in suitable materials in replacement and new works.


Applications for works to locally listed buildings will also be considered using policies E,F, and G contained in the interim housing policies.


The introduction of access drives that result in the loss of grassed or treed verges and which have no read safety benefit will normally be resisted. Where such proposals are acceptable in principle the Council will ensure that they are of a style and treatment in keeping with the character of the area.


The introduction of forecourt parking will be resisted.


The retention of appropriate floorscapes such as grass shingle and stone paving will be encouraged.


The Council will encourage the retention of boundary hedges, trees and other original features, and will require the use of appropriate species or materials where the replacement is permitted.


The positioning of satellite dishes and aerials in prominent positions will be discouraged.

Further enquires about development work on the Canons Park Estate should be directed to:
General enquires: Planning Dept 020 8424 1441
Trees: Landscape Group020 8424 1471
Conservation areas: Conservation Group020 8424 1467/8

Canons Park Estate Tree Conservation policy

Full details of the tree policy may be found here.
A recent list of tree contractors as provided by Harrow Council may be found here.